We are now into the ’90s and Southampton has had a mixed fortune. Although never quite reaching the heights of its glory days and almost vanishing from existence in 1994/5 SUAC is slowly clawing its’ way back to the top. Already we are training archers up to world domination level and soon the name of SUAC will be appearing on many cups and medals. Just you wait and see.
1997 has seen a slight revival in the fortunes of SUAC with its captain, Simon Scott achieving a place in the Hampshire County squad for compound. Furthermore, in a friendly against Bath Uni, SUAC came first in all categories and second in all but the Team (obviously). Plans are afoot for next year to promote SUAC as the best archery club ever.
In the 97/98 season, SUAC is still going strong. A few high scores (540’s+ Ports) have been shot by four members and although we always seem to miss out on the medals in the team competitions, we are now starting to regularly get 2100’s in the Team events for Portsmouth.
The return to Bath this year was a bit unfortunate with almost everyone showing poor form, however, despite this we still won several medals. The BUSA indoor to Dundee was one of the best ever trips organised and there were several good performances.
The 98/99 season saw a few medals won at Bath by Gordon Bushel and a few others. The BUSA event was a bit disastrous with a long trip to Exeter being blamed (and also crap shooting). A frostbite on the Isle of Wight allowed John Myers to position himself in 10th place out of 50 competitors.
99/00 has seen a slightly more active SUAC get to Edinburgh, Bath again for the BUSA indoors, Salisbury, Andover, Portsmouth and Brunel. However, with members who are still finding their way and less university only competitions, the outside world has made it hard for us come away with any medals this year.