SUAC Alumni Shoot 2014



Will be sorted out after exams I guess?


This year’s Alumni shoot on the 3rd of May fell on a beautiful sunny day, much to everyone’s surprise! The day started out with Matt P, Liam and I collecting the minibus from SUSU at an ungodly hour in order to bring up the remaining danage, frames and other bits and bobs from the indoor range. A wild Boris appeared and accompanied us down to the range where Matt W was eagerly waiting.

After loading up the minibus with the first load to be taken to wide lane, Boris and I were just carrying out a few more bits only to our surprise see Matt and Liam drive off without us! We’d been abandoned. At this point poor Kirie was waiting at Wide Lane on her own for all of us due to it taking longer to fill up the minibus. After a while of chatting Boris, Matt W and I realised that we were freezing cold standing in the range and wondered why we weren’t outside enjoying the sunshine. Matt P and Liam finally returned for the second load and found us basking in the sun.

Arriving at wide lane the set up began in earnest. Matt P left us at this point to go up to London to watch a rugby match. By now a couple of the Alumni had arrived and Richard Whiter and Jo Sullivan helped put targets out. The rest of us began putting frames back together and assembling some of the shiny new frames. I never knew there could be so many innuendoes from screwing frames together! Boris and I were screwing from both ends whilst arguing which of us was more bent. By now a few more alumni had arrived and had started setting up but the rest of SUAC were noticeably absent. Eventually a few more helpers arrived and even the ghost of Jamie P tried to help with the frames. He failed but at least he made an effort. Fiona, Kirie and I ended up taking over and putting the last frame together.

Sighters started a little late and because of time constraints we only had around 20 minutes. The final few SUACers finally arrived (cough, cough, Dom) just in time for the last end of sighters. Much amusement was had by the clothing choice of Sam K who thought that wearing a ‘wife-beater’ to a competition was a good idea. This lead to him being called Sam “Arms” Killgallon for the rest of the day. Although give him his credit he was about the only one who thought to bring sun tan lotion with him.

There were two retirees during the shoot, Ally due to some rather dodgy limbs donated to the club by Matt Leivers (says it all really) and Jamie P, because well he’s Jamie P, something to do with his sight but who knows for sure.

Due to the unexpected sunny day hardly any of us had any suncream and therefore burnt to a crisp. After the presentation of the weird arrow award thingy to the Alumni team who beat us by just a few points we packed up quickly while some people headed off to the Crown for dinner. The remainder of us took some bits back to the range in the minibus and from there went on to the Crown to meet up with the others. I must have returned the minibus but honestly I don’t remember a thing. Must have been too much sun! It wasn’t a late one for many of us due to having to get up early the next day for the Bath Clout.