The beginners’ course… begins


It was lovely meeting you all at the taster session on Sunday, and we look forward to seeing all of you who signed up for the beginners course again this week!
Everyone who signed up should now have been emailed their allocated slot and a map to the range, please turn up ready to go for the start of your session (it takes about 15-20 mins both by bus and on foot to get from Highfield campus to the range). If you have any problems with your time, email us as soon as possible and we will sort it out.
Please also remember to bring payment to the first session. Just the beginners course on its own is £30. Beginners course and membership for the year together is £40. (Buying membership separately after the course will be £35).

If you still haven’t signed up for the course, there’s still time to do so before this Sunday, so just drop us an email.