Two members of SUAC (Stuart and Yanna) attended an AGB Field Archery Workshop on Saturday 7th March. It was hosted by Fort Purbrook Company of Bowmen at Fort Purbrook. The Fort was an ideal setting for field archery as it had great scenery and views over the coast.
The general premise of field archery is shooting outdoors, often in woodland areas, at various targets at unmarked distances. There are multiple societies which govern field archery, each with different rules and targets, including NFAS (National Field Archery Association), AGB and English Field Archery Association.
The day began with a presentation and explanation of the rules of AGB Field Archery followed by some shooting on practice butts to check sight marks and practice distance judging. After lunch, a 12-target course was shot. Unmarked distances present the challenge of guessing where you should set your sight mark and consequently it can be hard to shoot well! It was a fun day and it was lucky the weather was good and dry! If you have any questions about field archery, please talk to Stuart or Yanna!